Heroes in Mental Health Golf Tournament
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Matthew Powers

Education & Credentials:

B.S. in Psychology, Washington State University M.A. in Counseling, Colorado Christian University

About Me:

My favorite parts of working at Diversus Health are the atmosphere of camaraderie, and the joy of helping people in the community. I’m constantly impressed by the durability of the human spirit, its continuous quest for change and improvement, and the work of my peers. As a clinician at Diversus Health, one of the great pleasures in my life is to watch others become empowered, producing great personal change in their lives. I have walked beside those who have given up hope, then watched as they’ve begun to live their best lives. Whether you are facing depression, anxiety, or trauma I believe that everyone has the power to change. I have seen it.

These are the services and common symptoms I see during my clinical work at Diversus Health:

I've been seeing Blessing Fitzgerald for three years. I was at my lowest point when I first met her. She has used her amazing personality and education to help me become mentally stable. She taught me ways to cope that allow me to be less dependent on medication. Thank you, Blessing! - Client

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