Our Diversus Health Lighthouse facility in Colorado Springs is a walk-in crisis center for all ages. We provide crisis services, counseling, psychiatric therapy, and addiction treatment services, as well as 24-hour acute care for mental wellness. Our Lighthouse staff is professional and our providers are licensed for the state of Colorado. We are proud to care for our community, including veterans and military, the homeless, and the developmentally disabled. Visit our Lighthouse center to learn more and get the care you need today.
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Diversus Health | Colorado Springs Lighthouse – Acute Services, Walk-in Crisis Center
115 S.Parkside Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Hours of Operation
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Thank you, Diversus Health! For your services and for opening a new facility closer to my home. Your care has saved my life. - Carl