Heroes in Mental Health Golf Tournament
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Heather Foster – LPC

Education & Credentials:

Bachelor’s in Psychology and Philosophy, Cornell College

Master’s in Counseling Psychology, Pacific University

About Me:

I specialize in Early Childhood Treatment, and have a passion for prevention services, like the Incredible Years Programs, that build social-emotional skills for preschool/early elementary-aged children to improve family and school functioning. The best thing about working at Diversus Health is the privilege of seeing the growth and successes of young children and their families through the treatment process.

These are the services and common symptoms I see during my clinical work at Diversus Health:

I've been seeing Blessing Fitzgerald for three years. I was at my lowest point when I first met her. She has used her amazing personality and education to help me become mentally stable. She taught me ways to cope that allow me to be less dependent on medication. Thank you, Blessing! - Client

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