Join us May 5, 2025 at the Broadmoor for our 4th Annual Heroes in Mental Health Golf Tournament!
This tournament aims to draw awareness to the topic of mental health and working together as a community to expand access to quality behavioral health care.

The Benefits of Counseling for Youth, Teens, & Adolescents

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of counseling for young people? Kristy Gill, Clinician at Diversus Health, explains how counseling can benefit youth, teens, and adolescents.

Video Transcript:

My name is Kristy and I work with children, adolescents, and families at Diversus. I believe that therapy can be very beneficial to our youth. Unfortunately, millions of youth in the United States deal with depression, anxiety, school problems, pressures from social media, difficulty with their peers; and this last year has been especially difficult as we’ve all tried to navigate an uncertain world with the global pandemic. Children and adolescents experience stress as they learn to manage and solve problems in their everyday lives. Additionally, many children and adolescents are also coping with the impact of trauma. Counseling can help our young people better understand their emotions, they can learn healthy ways to cope with stress, they can improve their self-esteem and build strong relationships, they can pursue their future goals. Childhood and adolescence is a very exciting, but also a very confusing time. Young people often tell me that they appreciate having a place where they feel heard without feeling as if they are being judged, and where they have a space to kind of try to figure themselves out and figure out what matters to them. Counseling is a space that facilitates healing and growth for people of all ages.

*If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health, request an appointment to speak with one of our professional mental health providers at Diversus Health today. If you need immediate assistance, please call our crisis hotline at 844-493-8255, or text ‘TALK’ to 38255.

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