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Otha Gregory Vaughn

Education & Credentials:

Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and Psychology, Remington College. Master of Organizational Management and Behavior, University of Phoenix. Master of Counseling, University of Phoenix

About Me:

I am a military veteran who has witnessed trauma and its aftereffects, i.e. PTSD and substance abuse. I realized I had a desire to help people learn to heal and become the best person possible from my military experience. I worked in many organizations before coming to Diversus Health and found that through the many services this organization offers, there is greater opportunity to help people and learn from people. I work with Child & Family because the opportunity to work with entire families with their many personalities, their hopes, dreams and concerns offer greater satisfaction as you observe the family grow, prosper and change in positives ways.

These are the services and common symptoms I see during my clinical work at Diversus Health:

Diversus Health rocks. I don't have any insurance, yet, I can still receive treatment. They care more about people than making money and that is so refreshing. Diversus Health gave me somewhere to start when I didn't know what to do. All I have received from them has been phenomenal. - Tressa

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